Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tomorrow's News???

Originally Posted on 12/10/07

I have to admit, I'm not a big local news guy. In fact, I'm not a big news watcher in general. Sure, I watch some national news telecasts, usually CNN or every once in a while you might even catch me stopping in to see Chris Matthews or Anderson Cooper. But mainly, it's the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Unfortunately, due to the writers strike we don't have the Daily Show or most of his late night competition but don't fright! We have Al Roker...

That's right, I said Al Roker. The same guy that gives us weather updates. Even I've seen Al's weather reports once or twice over the past 12 years on NBC's "Today Show." So you could imagine my excitement when I heard during prime time television that he'll be showing off his air gliding experience tomorrow morning during the show! I kid you not, I saw an ad plugging Al Roker air gliding as if that was the big push needed to gain viewers. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Al Roker, I'm sure he does a great job and wrote an excellent book but don't we have something better or more enlightening to share with America's public? How about an update on the Presidential hopefuls or our current economy... heck, what about the weather?

Oh well, I guess we'll all have to settle for Al Roker air gliding. Maybe even I'll tune in... but I wouldn't bet on it. Either way, can someone please update me on Al's flying form. I'm extremely curious.

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